Work-Based Learning
The Work-Based Learning Program is designed for students within CTAE Pathways to gain work experience with local businesses and industries.
To qualify for Work-Based Learning, the student must:
- Be in 10th, 11th, or 12th grades
- Have a defined Career Pathway (job should be directly related to the curriculum of the pathway classes he or she has completed or in which they are currently enrolled)
- Be 16 years old and have a reliable mode of transportation
WBL Mission: To assist in providing a highly-trained, technologically sophisticated and career-oriented young workforce. This is accomplished by developing partnerships between business, industry, students, parents, school systems, coordinators, post-secondary institutions, and registered apprenticeships which will lead the participating student into meaningful careers. WBL Vision: - Creating a seamless transition from career-oriented courses in high school to post-secondary education, credentials, and a successful career - Opportunity for students to develop strong employability skills (soft skills) that will make them desired employees - Application of the technical skills learned in related coursework while working in real life employment situations
Roshuanda Merritt, EJHS -
Greg Maxwell, JCHS -
Kate Wilson, EC3 -