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JCSS Awarded Georgia Works Alignment Grant

JCSS Awarded Georgia Works Alignment Grant

The Jackson County School System is one of just 15 systems in the state of Georgia to be awarded the Georgia Works Alignment Grant by the Georgia Department of Education and Georgia Department of Economic Development. 

The grant is to bolster the alignment of Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) programs with local industry needs. This one-time grant will pay out a total of $203,564 between the 15 districts. Each district awarded will conduct an in-depth review of local industry needs and work to address gaps between CTAE pathway enrollment and workforce needs.

"To be one of just 15 systems in the state of Georgia to be recognized and awarded with this grant is a great honor," JCSS Superintendent Dr. Philip Brown said. "We are continuously looking to bolster our CTAE programs and implement additional pathway offerings to prepare students for the workforce. This will aid our system in continuing that effort."

The Jackson County School System will work with the University of Georgia's Carl Vinson Institute of Government to develop and implement an action plan to better connect CTAE offerings in high-demand, high-wage and growing industry taking place in the state. 

The Jackson County School System has a robust offering of CTAE programs, primarily through the Empower College and Career Center. During the 2023-24 school year, JCSS offered 104 CTAE courses with 2,261 high school students enrolled in at least one course. That amounts to 71.5 percent of high school students from East Jackson High School and Jackson County High School taking a CTAE course. Of those students, 1,961 took a course at the Empower campus. 

The Jackson County School System is currently constructing a new graphic design lab inside the Empower College and Career Center. That lab is scheduled to open with the first day of classes for the 2024-25 school year this August. Additionally, the system has plans to construct a new automotive lab at the Empower College and Career Center, with its scheduled opening taking place for the 2025-26 school year. JCSS is building a new greenhouse on the Empower campus that will open in August.

To learn more about the CTAE offerings inside the Jackson County School System, visit